The physical compliment to the Exhibition, with a potential life outside and after the Exhibition or Event. The format offers a possibility to deepen a conversation, to give background and to physically travel and exist in other places.
Høyblokka - Open Call
To enrich the debate surrounding the future of the government quarters in Oslo, Architecture N and 0047 issued in February 2014 an open call to the general public for visions and ideas for the government quarters. Over 50 entries, ranging from poems to architectural designs, were submitted and later exhibited in 0047s gallery. Architecture N no.4 presents a selection of projects from the exhibition.
Arkitektur N, No. 4-2014
Published by: NAL

Radical Cartography
Radical Cartography was made for the exhibition showing the works of the French journalist and cartographer, Philippe Rekacewicz.
For the past fifteen years, Rekacewicz has been at the forefront of cartography as a journalistic genre and form of expression that (de/re)construct categories from which to understand the world and the structures of power that inhabit it. Rekacewicz practice uses data as a means for social awareness and involvement. Each of his maps is concurrently a carrier of information, a perspective, a journalistic digging, and a visual presentation that not only includes the cartographer’s work, but also artists, illustrators, architects and city planners. The publication consists of texts written by Philippe Rekacewicz, explaining the history and thoughts behind the maps that were presented in the exhibition at 0047.
Texts by Phillipe Rekacewicz
Produced by 0047 and Le Monde Diplomatique
Published by 0047 PRESS
Handbook for
Commited Architects
Håndbok for engasjerte arkitekter (Handbook for Committed Architects) shows the highlights from the Year of Architecure, including the Architecture Festival at Vulkan, Oslo.
Designed as a handbook, the idea for the publication is to inspire future outreach and social commitment through exemplifying how to work with architecture through new formats and processes.
Publication is available in Norwegian only.
Texts by Lars Elton
Graphic design by Ariane Spanier
Produced by 0047
Published by NAL

And The Seasons;
They Go Round and Round
As the final installment to the two exhibitions curated by Carson Chan in the spring of 2010, 0047 published And the Seasons; They Go Round and Round, a catalogue to the exhibitions of the same names. Featuring essays by New Yorker writer Nick Paumgarten, artist and writer Patricia Reed, and the economist Amin Samman, the catalogue seeks to expand the investigation of the overall geometry of our social, aesthetic and economic life that was initiated by the exhibitions.
Texts by Martin A. Armstrong, Carson Chan, Edward E. Dewey, Nick Paumgarten, Patricia Reed, Amin T. Samman
Graphic design by Vaguely Contemporary (John McCusker & Sara Hartman)
Edited by Carson Chan, John McCusker and Sara Hartman
Published by 0047 PRESS
142pages, ISBN 978-82-92960-03-5
The Armenia Project
In 2009, artists Unni Gjertsen and Liv Strand embarked on a journey to Armenia – a land with idiosyncratic connections to ancient times and early Christianity, ambiguously situated somewhere in the southern region of the Caucasus. In the origins of the journey were questions on nationalisms and their relation to memory and the mediatory body between them.
The publication is a record of processes and observations from the journey and an integral part of the exhibition Tales of Fraternity, Power and Time – The Armenia Project.

Northern Experiments
The increased activity in the Arctic has already begun to change the content and fabric of the urban north. The continued regional development will involve meetings and fusions amongst an array of cultures and styles, between history and modernization, between civilization and nature, between east and west, between nations looking for resources and towns and cities hoping to get a share, all staged in a vast landscape with widespread urban nodes. The question is how these encounters will play out.
Texts by Alexander Sverdlov, Morten Strøksnes, Aileen Espíritu, Joar Nango, Magnus Jørgensen, Gert Gundersen, Dennis Zalamans and Gisle Løkken.
Projects by BuroMoscow (RU), NORD (DK), Testbedstudio (SE), Department of Urban Design and Planning, NTNU and 0047 (NO).
Graphic design by Ariane Spanier
Edited by Espen Røyseland and Øystein Rø
Published by 0047
260 pages, ISBN 978-82-92960-01-1
Norwegian Collection
Potential Architecture
Poster from the exhibiton Norwegian Collection of Potential Architecure.
Texts by Håkon Matre Aasarød (Fantastic Norway), Aslak Hanshuus (Huus og Heim), Marianne Skjulhaug (BAS), Fredrik Shetelig (NTNU), Gerrit Mosebach (Plan B), Espen Røyseland and Øystein Rø (0047).
Graphic design by Ariane Spanier
Edited by Espen Røyseland and Øystein Rø
Published by 0047

A recorded version of the exhibition Vodou featuring:
Bjargey Ólafsdóttir (IS), Bo I. Cavefors (SE), Chisel (NO), Ingvild Langgård and Thora Dolven Balke (NO), Iwo Myrin (SE), Kira Kira (IS), Leander Djønne (NO), Leif Holmstrand (SE), Pär Thörn (SE), Ragnar Kjartansson (IS), Vinyl -Terror & Horror (DK)
Dugnad -
Social Design for Scandinavian Towns
Catalogue for the exhibition Dugnad – Social Design for Scandinavian Towns featuring Fantastic Norway and Håkki.
Texts by Martin Braathen, Elisabeth Byre, Carson Chan, Nils G. Johansson, Celine Blom, Andreas Schlaegel and Jesko Fezer
Edited by Martin Braathen, Elisabeth Byre and Carson Chan
Published by 0047