
Ranging from lectures, small discussions and roundtables to openings, parties and press conferences. As a complimentary to the Exhibition, it exists within a shorter timespan, with a higher frequency of social interaction and discussion.

Oslos voksesmerter

13 November 2014

How to make space for culture on the most expensive property market in Scandianvia?

Battle Grounds

23 May 2014

Seminar on Culture and the Quest for Open Space

Høyblokka Revisited

27 April 2014

Brunch and roundtable talk on the future of Oslo’s government district

OAT 2014 – Behind the Green Door

25 April 2014

Book launch and Friday bar

Rom for demokrati?

8 April 2014

Public debate about the future of Oslo’s government district


26 February 2014

Jury talk and open panel discussion at 0047